
The Beauty Brigade

Tanushri Siddha Kar- Owner, Tanu’Z Makeup Studio and Academy

Tanushri Siddha Kar, owner of ‘Tanu’Z Makeup Studio and Academy’, is a success story in more ways than one. She is a self made entrepreneur who chased her dreams with nothing by her side, neither the money nor the support from anyone. The young entrepreneur, Tanushri, a firm believer of simplicity and humanity, hails from Siliguri, West Bengal. She ingrained her love for art and makeup since early years, which continuously burnt the passion in her. Since childhood, she was fond of makeup and used to get hooked by the art and craft.

She describes her mother and sister-in-law as her inspiration to venture into this profession. For an additional dose of inspiration, she looks up to International YouTube bloggers and predominantly names ‘Nikkie Tutorials’ as her biggest inspiration.

She has had her share of struggle during initial days of her career.

“Few words can’t describe my situation and the struggles I had to go through while commencing ‘Tanu’Z Makeup Studio and Academy“, she says.

She started off her journey with the word ‘No’. “No permission, no money, no support”, she adds. 

She shares that she couldn’t look up to her family for support, had no capital to invest in her passion and faced huge troubles in establishing up her venture.


“I was taking the biggest risk of my life to actualize my dreams, which required extensive courage to face the fear of uncertainty”, she recalls.

Starting off from nothing and reaching these heights is a milestone in her entrepreneurial journey. 

“I let myself make mistakes but never let the failures hinder my way to success”, she adds with firm determination.

With limited resources, she moved further with grit to achieve success. 

“I tried to understand what clients like and dislike about makeup”, shares the keen entrepreneur. 

She developed a marketing strategy to fulfill the client’s demands and basic needs, by leveraging quality products and services at reasonable prices, which then emerged as a howling success for her.

Her confidence, her principles, her versatility and apparently her in-born talent, are the key ingredients which made ‘Tanu’Z Makeup Studio and Academy’, a success story.





  • Tanushri has been entitled with ‘India Business Awards’ during 3 years of her venture- ‘Tanu’Z Makeup Studio and Academy’.



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