
Meet Abhijeet Dwivedi: The Record-Breaking IIIT Lucknow Graduate Hired by Amazon with a Rs 1.2 Crore Salary

Meet Abhijeet Dwivedi: The Record-Breaking IIIT Lucknow Graduate Hired by Amazon with a Rs 1.2 Crore Salary
Meet Abhijeet Dwivedi: The Record-Breaking IIIT Lucknow Graduate Hired by Amazon with a Rs 1.2 Crore Salary

In the competitive world of tech and e-commerce, securing a high-paying job offer is often associated with graduates from the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). However, breaking this norm, Abhijeet Dwivedi from the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Lucknow, has made headlines by securing a record-breaking job offer of Rs 1.2 crore from Amazon. This monumental achievement not only highlights Abhijeet’s exceptional skills and dedication but also puts IIIT Lucknow on the map for producing top-tier talent.

A Journey of Hard Work and Dedication

Abhijeet’s journey to success is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence. His educational background and professional experience set him apart in the highly competitive job market. According to his LinkedIn profile, Abhijeet currently works as a software engineer in Dublin, Ireland. This role at Amazon is a culmination of years of hard work and strategic career planning.

Before landing this dream job, Abhijeet gained valuable experience as an intern software engineer at notable companies like Upstox and Trifacta. These internships provided him with hands-on experience in the industry, allowing him to hone his skills and gain a deeper understanding of the field. The practical knowledge and expertise he acquired during these internships played a crucial role in preparing him for the challenges of a high-stakes role at Amazon.

Breaking Stereotypes and Setting Records

In 2022, Abhijeet’s achievement of receiving a Rs 1.2 crore job offer from Amazon shattered previous records at IIIT Lucknow. This milestone is particularly significant because it challenges the conventional belief that only graduates from IITs and IIMs can secure such high-paying jobs. Abhijeet’s success story serves as an inspiration to students from other institutions, demonstrating that with the right skills, determination, and opportunities, they too can achieve remarkable success.

The Role of IIIT Lucknow

IIIT Lucknow, though not as widely recognized as IITs or IIMs, has been steadily building its reputation as a premier institute for information technology education. The institute’s focus on providing a robust curriculum, industry-relevant training, and opportunities for practical learning has contributed to the success of its students. Abhijeet’s record-breaking salary package is a testament to the quality of education and training provided by IIIT Lucknow.

The Road Ahead

For Abhijeet, the journey is far from over. Working as a software engineer at Amazon in Dublin, Ireland, he is now part of a dynamic and innovative environment. This role not only offers him the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies but also allows him to contribute to significant projects that impact millions of users worldwide.

As Abhijeet continues to excel in his career, he is likely to inspire many more students from IIIT Lucknow and other similar institutions. His story underscores the importance of perseverance, skill development, and the willingness to seize opportunities as they arise.