
The Celeb Connector

Vikas Gade, Director- Celebsbooking


Finding his passion for Bollywood, Vikas Gade, launched Celebsbooking”, a leading Celebrity Management & Artists Booking Interface. This award winning platform, one of its kinds in the market was applauded big time. Growing up in the golden period of Bollywood, Vikas reflects that his passion for Bollywood was a natural fit. Recalling the Cable TV era, he asserts, “Watching TV Shows, Serials and Awards – used to be a grand thing, then”; and he always thought of being there with the Stars – whom millions adore. And… that’s how he commenced his journey and soon carved a niche area of facilitating Direct Privileged ‘Meet & Greet’ for ardent fans, who desire to meet their favorite Celebrity personally!


Vikas recalls, ”On 1st April 2016, I was taken aback by the sudden death of an Indian Television Actress at the tender age of 25”. That’s when he realized his inner higher calling, what we all really need in Life! And to the answer, he felt, it’s the ‘Peace’, which has lost its essence in our lives for the mechanical lifestyle we are leading today.  This is when he believed his instincts and besides Celebrity Management venture, he adopted to help people grow, achieve their ambitions and fulfill their desires through channel intervention – ‘a tiny revolution yielding massive outcomes’. “Encapsulate what runs in your mind, heart and head, and live a life by choice not by chance”, he asserts. 


Confessing his love for Bollywood and Celebrities, he stated that he just loved the ‘Filmfare Awards’ since childhood. He was hooked to these Award Shows. “Celebrities are the common chord connecting people from different strata of society. This huge ‘Entertainment world’ is what brings people a dose of relaxation during their hectic schedules. His interest naturally got inclined to be in this space because there’s No Business like Show Business”, states Vikas. He explains, “For selling their products & services and to catch those millions of eyeballs, and penetrating the Indian markets, brands look up to celebrities. Also the Celebrities’ endorsements spell fortune for these Corporates, if they can hook a Celebrity”. 


He sees ‘The Buddha’ as his idol whose teachings and principles of life are extremely well defined and simple. For his inspiration, he looks up to Tony Robbins’, ‘Awakening the Giant Within’, which is a complete book to learn about life. He refrains himself from giving ear to everyone around. At times he had to put all his resources and investment into an Event or to get connected to a Celebrity! But he always had one thought before putting everything in,” whether it will give me memories to cheer later…!” It’s well said that “Success is relative, because it brings in so many relatives! Initiating a walk on the path alone, will eventually make the things fall into place and once things take off, there’s no looking back.”, avers the Celeb connector. He motivates others to believe in their instincts and steal that self rewarding, ecstatic moment for them. 


His philosophy of life is simple, “Everyone is blessed with a distinct personality! You just need to figure out your best self, and be a better version of yourself every time”. 

He summarizes his principles of life by quoting these 5 sayings:

  • “Life is a series of experiences, Live every moment of it “
  • “Be Bold, Be Brave, Be what you want to be”
  • “No matter what, Pursue Your Passion!”
  • “We only Live once, make the Living Phenomenal”
  • “Don’t judge people, often we don’t know what their journey is all about”  


He says, “Many admire celebrities like Sachin, and Amitabh Bachchan, the reason why people love them is… they kept on improvising each time. Stardom didn’t stop them from polishing or harnessing their skills. “And… I deliberately mentioned only ‘Sachin’, because the name doesn’t need any further introduction. And I am sure there won’t be any reader who can’t make out which ‘Sachin’ I am referring to!”, he smiles.



At ease

He asserts, “You need to be distinct in approach and carve a niche without taking too much cognisance of what’s happening around or what people say”.



  • Owing to his flourishing 5 years in this venture, Celebsbooking brought Vikas a great recognition with the award- “Best Celebrity Management Company in Mumbai” by India Business Awards 2019. 
  • He has also been awarded with “Peak Performance Management” Award.

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