
The Ardent Doctor Duo

Dr. Khushboo Mishra and Dr. Richa Jha – Director, GURUSHIKSHAALAY EXCELLENCE MDS

Dr. Khushboo Mishra and Dr. Richa Jha – Director, GURUSHIKSHAALAY EXCELLENCE MDS

Dr. Khushboo Mishra Jha, the founder & director of ‘Gurushikshaalay Excellence MDS’ with a tag ‘Dream dekhna toh basic hai….” is also the educator at the institute. She is first rank holder in general medicine subject from Karnataka during her under graduation. And Dr. Richa Jha is also the mentor at the institute besides being its director. Both are hardworking and caring mentors who love marking a distinction in the lives of students aspiring specialization in the field of dentistry.

“Being patient and supportive towards our students, especially towards students who cannot afford to pay the fees of regular coaching classes instigated us to come up with the WhatsApp based coaching institute”, they disclose.

Their previous batches have marked numerous selections in Government dental Colleges and they envision imparting the best to upcoming batches. Both being in the same profession of dentistry, knew the hardships of staying away from home and putting gross money in coaching.

They admit, “People in the smaller cities and towns have to come up in the metros for good coaching and again have to spend a lot.”

Being concerned about the interns, who don’t get time for regular coaching as they have to attend their clinics as well, both presented a much innovative and convenient idea of having your classes in your phone through their ‘WhatsApp coaching’, which aids students to be regular with their studies during internship.

“And we are trying to reach every city and town through WhatsApp”, says the Duo

Dr. Khushboo, who hails from Bihar but born and brought up in Delhi, looks up to Anand sir, ‘Super 30’, as her inspiration for teaching. On the flip side, Dr. Richa, sees her father as her inspiration, who made her grow every day, as a human being and as a professional as well. Having witnessing him doing a fantastic job as a father as well as in his professional life, that ‘work – life’ balance is something Dr. Richa wants to imbibe from him, adding, “And also, in the beginning, I was not very sure of starting this thing but definitely Khushboo pushed me to do this and I am happy that we are doing pretty well in this and aspire to do even better.”

The lack of manpower had been one of the teething problems of incepting their institute which refrained them from reaching many students, but gradually they are trying their level best to reach as many students as they can.

“Being a student ourselves trying to teach other students for a competitive exam is quite challenging, but we are putting a lot of hard work, time management and patience in this”, reflects the duo.

The ardent doctors are certainly not money- oriented, rather intend to help those in need. “We are here to educate and make students’ journey easier to meet their goal”, shares the Doctor duo, who have recently won the best “Online MDS coaching in Bangalore”.

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