The importance of education cannot be denied as it is one of the pillars upon which a country’s future rests. However, the lack of quality learning and the monetary means that prompts one to drop studying have created an urgency for edupreneurs to connect the seekers of education with the providers. One of them was Mrs Poorva Tripathi, who ventured on a journey to create a platform where education was given to all.
“As a person, it pains me when a substantial section of society deprived of quality educations due to lack of resources, infrastructure, the cost associated with education, Associated with multiple institutions of higher educations to start-ups in Edu tech domain, I felt an urge to create a platform.”
My Pace’s platform focuses on providing an interface between the seeker of schooling to the provider of knowledge by going beyond the boundaries of inadequacy, expensiveness, and that rigorous background. By working with many giants in education, she garnered the much-required insights to operate in this realm. By comprehending the issues that lay with the execution of BAU, she started working on it so that she can make a change.
The Essence Of My Pace:
The traditional education model has been affected by the worldwide pandemic; not only has it established a sense of loss monetary-wise or health-wise, one can see how the educational system was hit severely. With the help of her ‘My Pace‘, Mrs Tripathi seeks to establish a platform where quality virtual learning will be given by following the model of D2D so that aspiring students from remote areas, be it local or global, can stay connected with their studies.
“My Pace offers a quality education at the convenience of the newly emerged ecosystem. Feedback & recommendations from NGOs, Charitable forums & societies are the testimony of our perseverance in delivering education to the people who need it most.”
By collaborating with the MNCs & corporates, they aim towards fulfilling the learning needs by implementing certain holistic educational services through B2B or B2C. The B2C focuses on providing leeway between trainers and students. At the same time, in B2B, My Pace empowers the student by giving them leadership coaching, Behavioural training, and soft-skills workshop to future leaders & managers.
Her Struggles Define Her:
Every person has a side that defines them, that showcases who they are as a person, and to shape an individual into who they turn out to be, the struggle plays a key role. When asked about the battles she fought, she claims that starting afresh was the most challenging thing ever. Why? It was mainly the self-doubt, financial crunch, and criticism that made her fall into despair.
“After leaving the six-figure job and starting from scratch wasn’t easy at all. I faced a lot of criticism during that time, which sometimes dragged me into self-doubt.”
However, she won the war with the support and inspiration she drew from her family members, her husband, and close friends. Their constant support during her distress kept her going during those hard times. With their assistance, she took the risk and her team of hardworking and talented employees to make a difference.
Advice To The Young Generations:
Believing that there is no ‘universal recipe’ that could lead you to success, she shares the same philosophical views as Jeff Bezos. With his words, “Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on details.”, which she uses as a light to guide her out of darkness, she tells the young generation to keep trying.
“Feel free to experiment, to make mistakes; they may cost you thousands of dollars and deprive you of sleep. It is a prerequisite to pave your path.”
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