When you are aspiring to become a successful entrepreneur, success would definitely be in the grasp of your hands, no matter what the odds are. This is true for Ms. Nagali Sema, a successful businesswoman who has created a definite path for her amidst all the adversities.
With a keen eye for observation, she has set the tone and hit the mark on a male-dominated field. In other words, she has become a myth-buster. So, read the inspiring story of Ms. Nagali, as her astute knowledge helped her overcome the challenges and set a successful business.
Learn About The Director Of The ‘Royal Tiles and Interior’
Ms. Nagali Sema is the owner/ director of her successful business ‘Royal Tiles and Interior.’ She had embarked on her mission to build this business at the age of 22. Currently 30, she aspires to expand her business globally.
It’s her hard-working mindset, confidence, and optimism that have helped her overcome all odds. She is a dreamer with lots of patience. People also find her calm, collective and relaxed.
One of the perks of her success lies in the fact she loves taking risks. Her zeal for exploration and finding new ventures gives her an edge.
Inspiring Tale Of The Journey
As we have mentioned earlier, she took on the initiative when she was 22 years old. The business is all about building dreams homes, offices, as well as public space. The ‘Royal Tiles and Interior’ offers various products to make people’s dream home come true.
Ms. Nagali and her team claim that they were the first to start the retail concept in Nagaland. One of the definitive characteristics of her business is introducing environmental and eco-friendly concepts. The company has allowed a lot of opportunities to the youth who are looking for employment, thereby contributing to the unemployment problem.
The company offers fantastic prices as well. Moreover, they keep a stock of a variety of brands and products. With beautiful showrooms and retail outlets at convenient locations, it has paved the way for people to access them.
Currently, she aspires to expand her business on the global market and introduce a plethora of eco-friendly and sustainable building concepts.
Her Inspiration And Encouragement
She has always been eager to join this profession since her childhood, coming from a business-oriented family. She had her motivation from the adversity that the field assessed.
“Growing up, I saw that this was an industry that was male-dominated, and since not many women were involved in this sector, I was motivated to venture into the field.”
As for her inspiration, it has to be her father, whom she has seen grow his business and overcome many struggles with sheer resilience and grit. Moreover, as a strong pillar of support, her mother has inspired her to take initiatives head-on.
Struggles And How She Has Overcome Them
To become a successful entrepreneur, a person has to go through a lot of initial struggles; however, it’s all about how they overcome them. As she realized the male-dominated field’s adverse situation, she remained undaunted and became a unique woman who sought to inscribe her own name in this field.
“I have always been aware of this challenge, and so I worked keeping those factors in mind I aim to overcome these hurdles one step at a time.”
Word Of Advice To The Aspirants
To be at the top of the game, you must always dream big. It is an inner belief that determines future success. It is the motto of successful entrepreneurs like Ms. Nagali Sema.
“Be confident, belief in what you do, and look forward to more opportunities.”
Her own passion and dream made it possible for her to carve a path for herself and become successful in what she does.
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