
In pursuit of creating inclusive workplace, this HR Generalist is contributing to the betterment of people and organisations

Archana Vechalekar – HR Consultant

Started her career as a trainee in talent acquisition domain just after completing MBA in HR from IICMSR, Pune in 2010, Archana was quick to gain all skill-set required for a seasoned HR profession in her decade long career. She is a focused HR professional with diverse work experience in human resources – as a generalist, recruiter and an analyst with experience in most areas of employee engagement able to manage multicultural teams effectively. According to her,

“Self-Assurance & Effective Communication are my key strengths. I is passionate about Diversity & Inclusion, to create Inclusive workplace. I am a complete people’s person and I love to motivate people around me with or without any specific objective.”

People plays a vital role in the success of any business. Businesses don’t serve people – employees serve people. Businesses don’t make products – people make products. One of the things Archana loves about HR is that it’s constantly growing and changing. From compliance with new laws and legislation, to technology and employee expectations, it is never boring and always challenging and evolving. Continuously exploring and experimenting within the HR profession to find which specialties and options are most compelling and exciting, and then spend more time trying to do those kinds of things is something which she loves to do. There are some great people working in HR, and Archana just wants to be one of them. We just need to ensure that our search for business relevance doesn’t detract from what makes us so special in the first place. She feels that if she can play one small part in helping someone find a workplace and employer where they can thrive, add value and be valued, then she have added something to the society.

The spirit of HR professionals is always about improvement and how to make things better whether its about training, recruiting talent, developing benefit plans, looking at new HR tech tools or making HR processes more efficient. HR ptofessionals are always looking at raising the bar and taking people or processes to the next level.

HR profession is not static, it deals largely with people or systems/programs that will impact people, and people are dynamic. Whether its about new legislation, change in corporate direction, a company reorganization, taking on new HR vendors, or expanding into new regions or locations, there is always an element of taking what we know and applying it to another situation or scenario.

As a person, Archana needs to understand how and what she is doing fits into the bigger picture. Its one of the things she find rewarding while working in HR domain. HR has always been an enabler in choosing the right person with perfect skill set who can take organizational goals to the next level.

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